Is your C10 temari marked (the best that you can)? Are the pentagon centers tacked? Then you are ready to begin adding support lines.
Step 1 - add wraps through the diamond centers
Cut a long length of marking thread and bring up at a diamond center. Wrap all the way around the ball in a straight line, passing through the diamond centers. When you get back to where you started, pivot (place a pin there for this purpose) and wrap in the other direction. End off. Don’t tack the diamond center just yet.
Ugh! Do you feel like you have too many pins in the ball? At this point, you have a pin in each triangle center (if you followed my suggestion from the ball prep step) and a pin in each diamond center. When I use the small head pins (size 17), I push them down to the surface of the ball and am not bothered. But if all those pins are giving you fits, then go ahead and tack, removing the pins as you go. When you add more wraps through those spots in the next steps, either stitch under your tacking stitches or wrap over them and tack again. With thin thread like Treasure Braid Petite, you can do either one. Remember that stitching temari is all about choosing YOUR favorite way so you enjoy the process.
Repeat through all diamond centers. You’ll tack the diamond centers after adding more lines in the next steps.
The lines you've just added are dashed lines in the drawing above.
If you have any questions, please join the conversation on TemariChallenge Yahoo group.
Shapes on a C10 division
Multicenters markings
Schedule of posts for this stitch along:
Step 1 on December 11 - first wraps
Step 2 on December 14 - pin placement
Step 3 on December 16 - last set of wraps
Step 4 on December 18 - adjust and tack. Suggestions for designs.