Monday, August 22, 2011

Certification Classes for JTA 2011-2012 are open

JTA brochure

If you love making temari, you're self-motivated, and you want to experience a journey of challenge where you'll discover new techniques as well as improved stitching and pattern writing, then Japan Temari Association certification is for you.

Here is some information on the JTA.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"Temari is so easy!" at the EGA Rocky Mountain Region 2011 Seminar

Beginner class in Japanese Temari
I've just returned from a long weekend in Denver, Colorado, where I taught a beginner temari class to a lovely group of gals who are members of the Embroiderers' Guild of America in the Rocky Mountain Region. The seminar was hosted by The Foothills Chapter at the Doubletree in Denver. The creative and joyous spirit of the seminar participants lingers with me even as I quickly try to prepare for another trip in just a few days. There were smiles everywhere, all the time, except perhaps when students were concentrating very hard to learn the new techniques. When the moment of understanding and accomplishment came, that smile reappeared. Yes, temari is so easy!